Tuesday, November 13, 2012

How to Start Living Consciously!

Dear Friends,

When I created our company identity, I put a lot of myself into the process. Our company name, One Planet Granola, and our slogan, “Delicious Food for Conscious Living,” reflect my deeply held belief that living consciously is critical to our own happiness and the wellbeing of the world around us.

What do I mean by living consciously? Well, I try to put the idea into practice everyday at work. When I bake my granola, I think about bringing health, warmth and happiness to my customers. I’m conscious of what I am doing while I do it: I am making the best-tasting, healthiest granola possible for my customers.

Living consciously is so important to the way we lives. Every day we make choices at many levels, from simple to complex. These choices not only effect our own life, but impact the people around us, including our family, friends, co-workers, community, and, believe it or not, people on the other side of the world. Unless we live consciously in the present, those choices will be influenced by experience and memories from the past.

So for example, we can make small, conscious choices not to buy water in plastic bottles, to recycle and compost or to take five-minute showers. And we can make complex, conscious choices to live within our means, to reject consumerism and to think about the impact of our lifestyle on the world around us. It’s those bigger, complex choices that tend to get clouded by how our parents lived, for example, instead of what we know is right for us in today’s world.

Here are a few ideas I have to help you get started on your journey to a more conscious life:

1-    Evaluate your life. My advice is to make a list of the important parts of your life, such as family, work and relationships. You get the point. Once you have a list, take a look at what is working and what isn’t. For those parts of your life that aren’t working, take a look around and see what’s missing. If you can find what’s missing you can make changes!
2-    Make a commitment to yourself and be self-disciplined. Make your life what you want it to be because, damn it, you’re worth it!
3-    Try being quiet. I used to run around 16 hours a day and still feel that I hadn’t accomplished anything at the day’s end. Then I learned there was a better, more peaceful way to live. I found inner stillness, made the time to practice mediation or just ‘be’ in a quiet place a few minutes a day. Try it. No phones. No emails. Sit with nothing and just be with yourself. With practice, you’ll be able to access peace and calm any time you want!
4-    Give yourself a break. Be kind to yourself and others. Create a state of gratitude. Say thank you more often. Always see the best in others. The more you turn away from yourself towards others, the less wrapped up you’ll be in your own world and concerns. There is nothing like the feeling of love and compassion flowing in your heart. I have this feeling in my heart every time I box up our granola and send it out to be put in stores. I think of all the people who eat my granola and wish them all the love in their life!
5-    A healthy mind in a healthy body in the best recipe for being conscious. Lead by example and show your children by taking care of yourself. Move you body in whatever way works for you: walking, running, yoga, breathing—any of them will leave you feeling better both in body and mind

Enjoy exploring and learning more about yourself and your life. It is very challenging but the rewards more than outweigh the work.

I believe that people everywhere are looking for the same thing: peace, harmony and abundance for themselves and their families. No matter what our circumstances, we are all capable of being happy if we learn to live consciously.

Cheers to living consciously,


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